Contact us. Really.

Comments are disabled at Scratch so you can focus on what you think about something rather than what other people do.

At Scratch, your thoughts are, once again, your own.

If you want to say something, either head over to the icons below where commenting is still a necessary evil, or alternatively, use the CONTACT FORM. —>

I encourage you to:

  • point out errors in posts or recipes

  • ask me questions about posts or recipes

  • tell me interesting factoids

  • send me vintage recipes, food advertisements, or historical cookery marginalia. If I use it in a post, I will thank you.

  • suggest better methods for doing kitcheny things. I am still seeking the perfect way to cut up a mango.

For anything else, use your common sense and don’t say anything to me you wouldn’t say to my face over a dinner table.

Bon appetit!